Key Treatments for Lower Back Pain at Home or in Clinic

Lower back pain is one of the most prevalent problems that people experience as they get older. It affects about 80% of adults at some point. And over 25% of adults report having experienced it in the previous three months. In most cases, acute back pain improves within a few weeks of home treatment. However each person is unique, and back pain is a complicated condition. Many people experience pain over a long period, but just a handful suffer with continuous, severe pain.

But there's wonderful news! There are numerous simple measures you may take to maintain the health of your back at home. This blog focuses on providing simple, step-by-step instructions to help you take better care of your lower back. These suggestions are not only for individuals now undergoing Lower Back Pain physiotherapy Brampton, but also for everyone who wishes to avoid future back problems. These easy techniques, which range from getting enough sleep to doing basic exercises, will help you keep your back strong and healthy while preventing pain. Let's get started and discover simple yet efficient methods for daily lower back care.

Key Treatments for Lower Back Pain

1. Medications

When dealing with back pain, the approach to medication your doctor suggests can vary. Here's what might be on the table:

  1. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers: Medicines like ibuprofen (think Advil, Motrin IB) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) can ease acute back pain. It's essential to follow your doctor's advice when taking these to avoid side effects. If these don’t cut it, your doctor might point you towards prescription-strength NSAIDs.
  2. Muscle relaxants: For those times when OTC painkillers don't do the trick, and your back pain is still bothering you, a muscle relaxant could be the next step. Be aware, though, they might make you feel sleepy or dizzy.
  3. Topical pain relievers: These include creams or ointments you apply directly where it hurts. They're another way to tackle pain without swallowing pills.
  4. Narcotics: For severe pain, your doctor might temporarily prescribe medication with opioids like oxycodone or hydrocodone. Since they’re not great for long-term pain management, these prescriptions are usually short-term, often less than a week.
  5. Antidepressants: Surprisingly, certain antidepressants, especially low doses of tricyclic ones like amitriptyline, can help with chronic back pain, beyond their mood-lifting effects.
  6. Injections: If your pain extends down your leg or other strategies haven’t helped, an injection might be the way to go. Your doctor could inject cortisone, an anti-inflammatory, or a numbing agent into the epidural space near your spine. This can reduce inflammation and pain, but usually, the relief lasts for a limited time.

2. Physiotherapy

Seeing a physiotherapist can bring you relief if you're dealing with back pain. To relieve your back pain, they apply heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and muscle-release treatments to the soft tissues and muscles in your back.

Once your pain starts to fade, the therapist will guide you through exercises designed to make you more flexible, strengthen your back and belly muscles, and get your posture right. Sticking with these exercises can stop the pain from making a comeback.

3. Alternative Treatments & Exercise

There are also several alternative therapies that might help with back pain. Remember to talk over the pros and cons with your doctor before you dive into any new treatment. Here's what's available:

  1. Chiropractic care. Chiropractors adjust your spine with their hands to help ease pain.
  2. Acupuncture. This involves putting sterilized needles into your skin at certain points. Some folks with lower back pain find it offers relief.
  3. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This technique uses a device to send electrical pulses to the area that's hurting. The effectiveness of TENS varies according to studies.
  4. Massage. Massage can be a big help if muscle tension or overuse is behind your back pain.
  5. Yoga. Yoga is all about poses, breathing, and relaxation, which can help stretch and strengthen your muscles and fix your posture. You might need to adjust some moves to keep from hurting.
  6. Tai chi. This gentle Chinese workout could cut down on pain and boost how well you move.
  7. Swimming. Some recommend swimming to build up back strength because the water takes some of the load off your muscles. Yet, there's not a lot of research out there on swimming's effects on lower back pain.

Trying out these options, with your doctor's okay, could lead to better management of your back pain.

4. Hot and Cold Therapy

Some folks find relief for their lower back pain with a warm heating pad, while others prefer the cool touch of an ice pack. The truth is, that both hot and cold therapies can work wonders. Cold treatments are great for reducing inflammation and swelling. On the other hand, heat therapy can relax your muscles. You might want to experiment with both, applying them for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day, until you notice an improvement in your back pain.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation

Engaging in mindfulness and meditation isn't just about giving your body a break. These practices also teach your brain to handle pain differently. By focusing on your breathing, you can change how your mind perceives pain. This can lead to lower stress levels and reduced inflammation, making it easier to manage discomfort.

6. Mind Your Diet and Weight

Eating well plays a crucial role in keeping your back in good shape. A diet that includes calcium and vitamin D can help keep your bones strong. Try to fill your plate with whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise is just as important. It keeps your weight in check and strengthens the muscles supporting your spine. Even gentle activities like walking or cycling can make a big difference.


Millions of individuals suffer from low back pain. Pain, stiffness, and restricted mobility can significantly lower one's quality of life. But by keeping an appropriate weight and engaging in regular exercise, you might be able to prevent lower back pain. If your back pain doesn't go away or if it prevents you from engaging in your favorite hobbies, see your doctor or physiotherapist. Physiotherapy can improve your mobility, reduce discomfort, and help you live a fuller life.
If you need expert guidance on your lower back pain or wish to do Lower Back Pain physio at home, come to Revitalize Physiocare. We are the top Lower Back Pain Clinic Brampton. Our skilled physiotherapists handle a range of pain issues, including back pain. For further information or to make an appointment, Call 905-452-0222. Also, you can contact us by email at