FAQ On Physiotherapy Treatment In Brampton

Frequently asked questions

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a guide to control and actively take care of your own health. Physiotherapy helps to improve patient’s health related quality of life which may be disrupted due to some kind of injury or pain. Physiotherapy helps to restore, maintain and improve patient’s mobility and function. Physiotherapist achieves best success with active involvement of patients in their own care.

What kinds of treatment do you provide?

There are various kinds of treatments such as cupping therapy, joint mobilisations, soft tissue release, acupuncture/dry needling, exercise therapy, gau sha, taping techniques. However, the Physiotherapist will decide the most appropriate combination of treatment depending on your condition.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we accept most extended health insurance.

Do you direct bill to insurance?

Yes, we direct bill to most insurance if your insurance company allows us to do.

Do you accept OHIP/ Health Card?

No, we do not accept OHIP / Health Card.

Do you accept motor vehicle accident cases?

Yes, we provide treatment for injuries caused by motor vehicle accident.

Do I need doctor's referral to see a Physiotherapist?

You do not need a doctor’s note to see a Physiotherapist. However, if you need to get reimbursed from your insurance company then they may ask for a doctor’s note.

What does the initial assessment involve?

During your initial appointment, the physiotherapist will do a thorough assessment to find the root cause of your pain or problem. They will ask you questions related to your problem. They will check your movement and perform specific tests to come up with a diagnosis. They will discuss your problem with you in detail and develop a personalized treatment protocol. They will educate you about movements to avoid and provide you with home exercise program to perform between treatment sessions.

How do I book the appointment?
You can book the appointment through this website or call at 905-452-0222 or email at revitalizephysio@gmail.com.
How often do I need the treatment?

First, the Physiotherapist have to perform a thorough assessment and find out what is the actual problem. Depending on your diagnosis, the Physiotherapist will decide how often you will need the treatment.

Is my health record confidential?

Yes, absolutely. We do not share any of your personal information without your permission.