Ankle-Strengthening Exercises: for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

The ankles are an essential body element that gives us stability and mobility. However, ankle injuries are all too common and can seriously limit our capacity to move comfortably. 

Hence, it is crucial to include ankle-strengthening exercises in our fitness routine. As it will help you with injury avoidance and healing. These exercises improve the strength, flexibility, and stability of the ankle. Additionally, it lowers the possibility of damage and speeds up recovery. 

In this blog, we will explore ten effective ankle-strengthening exercises. All of these exercises are recommended by Brampton physiotherapists. Besides, you can also visit a leading physiotherapy clinic Brampton. And take their physical exercise programme to revive your ankle health and performance.

10 Ankle Strengthening Exercises for Injury Prevention 

1. Calf Raises

A well-known and efficient exercise for the calf muscles is the calf raise. As it is essential for the stability and movement of the ankle. 

To perform calf raises, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Slowly lift your heels as high as you can while concentrating on tightening your calf muscles. Hold the lifted position for a few seconds to enhance muscular engagement. Then, gradually return to the beginning position by lowering your heels. 

Repeat this action multiple times to strengthen the calves. And it will improve your ankle stability and enhance overall lower leg strength.

2. Ankle Alphabet

Ankle alphabet exercises are a fun and interesting technique to increase ankle mobility. As well as strengthening the muscles surrounding the ankle joint. 

Sit down on a chair and extend one leg out in front of you to start. Use your foot to trace the letters of the alphabet in the air. This exercise increases ankle flexibility, range of motion, and mobility. 

Moving your ankle in varied directions & patterns efficiently engages & strengthens the joint muscles. And, ultimately, improve overall ankle function.

3. Single-Leg Balance

Single-leg balance exercises are great for improving ankle stability and proprioception. It refers to your body's understanding of its spatial location. 

First, attempt to balance yourself while standing on one leg. Throughout the workout, keep your posture stable and straight. To challenge yourself further, try closing your eyes or standing on an unstable surface. For example, on a foam pad or cushion. 

This exercise improves the ankle muscles which are essential for stability. Additionally, it enhances balance and guards against ankle injuries.

4. Ankle Inversion/Eversion

Ankle inversion/eversion exercises focus on the muscles that control the ankle's side-to-side movement. 

To do this exercise, wrap a resistance band around your foot and fasten the other end to a solid object. Begin with your foot in a neutral posture. Next, rotate it inward against the resistance of the band (inversion). Upon returning to the beginning position, evert your foot by rotating it outward against the resistance. 

This exercise strengthens the ankle-stabilizing muscles in your legs. Additionally, it improves coordination & control and encourages better overall ankle function.

5. Heel-to-Toe Walk

The heel-to-toe walk is a straightforward exercise that works well. It increases ankle proprioception while testing one's balance. 

Starting from heel to toe, place one foot in front of the other to form a straight line. Advance cautiously while keeping your composure and balance. You must work the muscles in your ankles during this exercise to maintain stability and coordination. 

You can improve ankle stability by using the heel-to-toe walk. Additionally, enhance your balance and become more conscious of your body.

6. Towel Scrunches

Towel scrunches are a useful workout that works the foot and ankle muscles. And considerably contributes to your entire leg stability. 

Start by putting a tiny towel on the ground and scrunching it up towards you with your toes. Repeat this action several times, actively exercising your foot and ankle muscles. 

This exercise focuses on the small intrinsic muscles of the foot and ankle. As they are essential for maintaining balance and avoiding ankle injury. And lay a firm foundation for movement.

7. Ankle Dorsiflexion Stretch

Ankle dorsiflexion refers to the upward movement of the foot towards the shin. This stretch strengthens the ankles and increases their range of motion. 

Begin by taking a seat on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Wrap the ball of your foot in a towel or resistance band. Gently pull your toes towards you, feeling a gentle stretch in the ankle. Now, hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds. And during that time focus on maintaining a comfortable yet challenging position. 

This starching exercise is very useful for people who have limited ankle mobility or calf muscle tension.

8. Resistance Band Ankle Plantarflexion

Plantar Flexion is the downward movement of the foot that points the toes away from the torso. This exercise targets the ankle plantar flexor muscles. As these muscles are essential for the stability & propulsion of the ankle during movements like walking, running & jumping. 

Start by sitting down and wrapping a resistance band around the ball of your foot. Hold the other end of the band with your hands and press your foot downward against the resistance. 

This exercise strengthens the ankle muscles involved in plantar flexion. And enhances their endurance, and improves overall ankle function.

9. Ankle Circles

Ankle circles are a simple yet effective exercise to improve ankle mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. 

Start by sitting on a chair and extend one leg in front of you. Rotate your ankle in clockwise and counterclockwise circles, aiming for a full range of motion. 

This exercise helps reduce stiffness, increase ankle flexibility, and promote better joint health. Ankle circles are especially beneficial for individuals looking to improve ankle mobility after injury or those who experience stiffness in the ankle joint.

10. Eccentric Heel Drops

Eccentric heel drops are a valuable exercise for strengthening the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, both of which are crucial for ankle stability and shock absorption during activities. 

To perform this exercise, stand on the edge of a step or raised surface with your heels hanging off the edge. Slowly lower your heels below the step, feeling a stretch in the calf muscles, and then raise your heels back up to the starting position. Repeat this movement for several repetitions, focusing on the eccentric (lengthening) phase of the exercise. 

This exercise helps build calf strength, improve ankle stability, and enhance overall lower leg function.


Incorporating ankle-strengthening exercises into your fitness routine is crucial for injury prevention and rehabilitation. By targeting the muscles and improving their stability and mobility, these exercises can help reduce the risk of ankle injuries and aid in the recovery process. 

Consult with a physiotherapist at a reputable physiotherapy clinic for proper guidance and personalized ankle pain physiotherapy treatment in Brampton.

Prioritizing ankle health through regular strengthening exercises will enhance your overall mobility and improve your quality of life. 

To schedule a consultation with our skilled physiotherapist, visit our website right away.